5 Best yoga poses for hair health
Yoga has many holistic benefits for your health. This ancient form of fitness is a way of life, it is well-known not only for the protection of both the internal and spiritual health, as well as in the treatment of skin and hair problems. If you are tired of having a short hair cut and you want her to be longer, and there are a few yoga asanas that can really help you with your hair. In fact, yoga poses for hair growth and better health, and a certain degree of popularity and has been around the world and, as a result of the excellent results that seem to reach it. Here are some yoga asanas that will not only promote hair growth but also contribute to the reduction of hair loss and improve health.
Here we share 5 best yoga poses than can really helps in hair problems, may be it will take some time but it's worthy.
1. Kapalbhati
2. Sarvangasana
3. Adho mukha savasana
4. Sirsasna
5. Balasana
1. Kapalbhati-
Kapalhbhati is derived from two Sanskrit words: 'Kapala means' skull ' and Bhati means 'light'." It is an activity of the mind and the body can be clean and refreshed. This breathing exercise helps to remove toxins from the kapala, that is, to the whole of the region of the head or face, and is, therefore, to the promotion of a better supply of oxygen and the reduction of free radicals, promote the growth of hair. In addition, it helps in reducing stress and anxiety, which are also factors that can contribute to hair loss.
Process- It's to keep in your back, neck, and head to the right, sitting in a cross-legged pose. Place your hands on your knees, palms facing up, and relax all of your muscles. Take a deep breathe in, and breathe in, then out of the blue, by contracting the abdominal muscles. To do this, in a matter of minutes.
Tips- It is recommended to use the practice of Kapalabhati, early in the morning on an empty stomach.
2. Sarvangasana-
Sarvangasana, or handstand, is an full-body exercise works several different muscle groups. This will help to improve balance and posture. But, in addition, this asana improves the blood circulation in the head. The daily practice of asanas has a long-lasting effect on the mind, and it is especially beneficial to dry, and fine hair.
Process- lie on your back on the wall and at an angle of 90 degrees, with your feet together. Then lift your hips off the floor, using your arms for support and balance to your entire body on your hands.
Tips- If you are having problems with a sliding disc, heart disease, high blood pressure, you should consult with your doctor before you begin the practice of this pose.
3. Adho mukha savasana-
Adho Mukha, also known as the downward position, it is part of the 12 poses to perform at Surya namaskar. This is a final position of rest, it increases the flow of blood. This increases the amount of oxygen that gets to your scalp and promotes hair growth. This asana is also a number of other physical benefits. For example, it can help to calm the mind, restore the power, and the energy in the body.
Process- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and extend your arms to the ground. Take a step back a few steps, and extend your arms and legs. The face, arms, hands over your ears. Press and hold this position for 30 to 45 seconds. This is one of the top yoga asanas that prevent hair loss and to stimulate the flow of blood to the scalp and hair.
Advice- do not perform this asana if you have Carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, retinal detachment, dislocated shoulder, a weak eye capillaries, reduces diarrhea.
4. Sirsasana-
Sirsasana also known as a headstand, and improves the blood circulation to the scalp, it helps reduce hair loss, hair thinning and hair loss. This asana helps in the growth of new hair and prevent graying of the hair. This will help the dormant hair follicles to get the maximum opportunity for growth and, thus, enhance the growth of hair.
Process- Get on your knees and put your fingers together and place them at the top of your head. Now, lean forward and touch your forehead to the floor. It's like our arms are open to it, slowly lift your legs are upside-down, which is perpendicular to the floor. Keep your feet close together and your arms straight. When your body is in a stable in this position, try to maintain your balance for a few seconds.
Tip- This pose requires considerable practice and to improve it. Try to make use of the assistance of any other person, or to lean against a wall, and if you are a beginner.
5. Balasana-
Before you get any ideas, Balasana literally means the baby's posture and it does not give it to her. However, due to the fighting, the two main factors that cause hair loss are stress and the problems with the digestive system. Balasana is, in general, it is recommended for the relief of stomach-related problems, and it is also known to help with anxiety. Practice these poses everyday can have a positive effect on both the digestive system and mental ill-health, which greatly reduces the risk of hair loss.
Process- Sit on a mat with your hands on your knees, and your feet will touch your thighs. Breathe in, stretch your arms up, and exhale, and bend until your forehead and to the palms of the hands on the floor. When you put your elbows on the floor, which is a bonus!!! Focus on your breath, and just keep it in this position for about 30 seconds to a minute.
Tip- If you are experiencing any problems, such as diarrhea, with a knee injury, death, serious neck or back pain, high blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, an injury or drive, to avoid this asana.
These are some best asana which can help you to protect your hair. Some other useful asana you can do like Vajrasana, Uttanasana and Matsyasana.
Doing these yoga poses you can should use natural products in your hair for better results.
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