Yoga poses for weight loss-
Most people think of Yoga as a mental aid, but there is more to it than meets the eye. If you are dedicated and disciplined, yoga can help you lose weight and stay in shape. While it is true that compared to strenuous activity, yoga burns fewer calories, the more stream of yoga, when done at a slower pace, can expose you as if it were no other activity.
Benefits of doing Yoga daily-
Yoga conditions are also performed with practical breathing exercises that work to improve your metabolism, regulate blood flow and restore function. Along with weight loss, yoga also helps to reduce stress, which is one of the main causes of weight gain. When you train regularly, it leaves you feeling relaxed, clean, and focused. Yoga brings your mind, body and breath in harmony, thus eliminating stress in your life.
We will discuss 10 simple yoga asanas that you can do anywhere at any time and lose weight: These yoga poses can be great for anyone who wants to get back into shape. From losing fat, to building endurance, it makes you more flexible, regular yoga sessions will do the best for your body.
1. Surya Namaskar-
Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a series of 12 powerful yoga practices. In addition to strenuous cardiovascular exercise, Surya Namaskar is also known to have excellent physical and mental health effects. Surya Namaskar is best done very early in the morning on an empty stomach. Each Sun Salutation cycle consists of two sets, and each set consists of 12 yoga sessions. You can find several versions of how to make Sunshine greetings. However, it is recommended that you stick to a particular version and do it regularly to get the best results.
In addition to good health, Surya Namaskar also offers the opportunity to express gratitude for the sun for sustaining life on this planet.
* It helps to maintain heart health.
* It helps to stimulates the nervous system.
* It helps to stretch, reverse and flex muscles.
* Excellent weight management exercise.
* It strengthens the immune system.
* Improves cognitive functions.
* It improves overall health, strengthens the body and rejuvenates the mind.
2. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
This posture is especially effective in strengthening your abdominal muscles and relaxing your lower back.
Lie down, looking down, wipe your hands on the floor, near your shoulders. Stretch your legs back, feet up and touch the floor, then sniff slightly and lift your upper body. Make sure your pubis and toes form a straight line and touch the floor, Hold this position for 25-30 seconds. Release and return to a lying position on the floor to breathe.
* It strengthens the spine.
* It stretches the chest and lungs, shoulders and abdomen.
* Tones on the buttocks.
* It stimulates the abdominal organs.
* It helps relieve stress and fatigue.
* It opens the heart and lungs.
* It soothes sciatica.
* Treating asthma.
3. Trikonasana (Triangle pose)
To do this pose, stand straight with your feet wide and hands straight on the ground. Now bend to the right and try to touch your left foot with your left hand. Sit in this position for 10-20 seconds and repeat on the other side.
Asana movements help improve digestion and reduce stomach fat deposits. The pose flexes the muscles of your legs and arms and helps you build more muscle.
* It helps to Stretch and strengthen the thighs, knees and ankles.
* It stretches the hips, tendons, muscles, and calves; shoulders, chest and spine.
* It stimulates the abdominal organs.
* It helps relieve stress.
* Improves digestion.
* It helps relieve the symptoms of menopause.
4. Dhanurasana ( Bow Pose)-
Although it may seem easy, this pose can be a great challenge to your abs, which is exactly what will help to strengthen them.
To make this pose, lie down on your stomach. Now slowly start to raise your upper body, as you do in a cobra pose and at the same time lift both of your legs. After that hold your legs with your hands and stay in place for a long time in comfort. You can continue this for 15 to 20 seconds to get the best results. After 15 to 20 seconds, you can let go of your position and relax.
* Stretch the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs and pain, abdomen and chest, throat, and deep hip.
* It strengthens the back muscles.
* It helps to Improves posture.
* It stimulates the abdomen and neck.
5. Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose)-
In order to start this pose by lying on your back, your knees and feet flat. With your heels firmly attached to the mat, lift your tail so that your hips and lower back are out of the car. Put your hands under your hips and join your fingers together. Use your glute muscles, muscles and abdomen to hold down and make a backup. Release your fingers and slowly lower your tail down. Relax and repeat.
* It can help to stretches the chest, neck, spine and hips.
* It helps to strengthens the back, buttocks, and muscles.
* It Improves blood circulation.
* It helps to reduce stress and depression.
* It silences the brain and central nervous system.
* It stimulates the lungs, thyroid glands, and abdominal organs.
* Improves digestion.
6. Naukasana (Boat Pose)-
Lie on the floor facing the ceiling. Keep your hands next to you and relax your shoulders. Keep your legs straight. Now slowly raise your hands and feet from the ground, holding your abdomen in and out at all times. Reach an angle of 45 degrees until your body is in a V-shape. Hold it for 60 seconds and practice deep breathing.
* Naukasana helps to strengthens abdominal muscles.
* It helps to strengthens the muscles of the arms, thighs and shoulders.
* It helps to improves the health of all organs in the stomach especially the liver, pancreas and kidneys.
* It improve and control blood sugar levels.
* It affects the muscles of the neck, shoulders and legs.
* Stretching, compressing and relaxing the affected abdominal region with Naukasana is a good and effective way to burn belly fat if done regularly.
7. Ustarasna (Camel Pose)-
This is a very difficult position. So be sure to do this only if you are not suffering from back problems.
Kneel the width of your hips and thighs straight and down. Rest your hands on your hips, fingers pointing down and bend your back inwards. Slightly lean back and touch and hold your heels with your hands. Adjust the spine but do not strain your neck. Hold this pose for one minute.
* It helps to reduces fat in the thighs.
* It helps to opens at the waist, stretches the deep hip flexors.
* It helps stretch and tighten the shoulders and back.
* It helps expands the abdominal area, improves digestion and digestion.
* It helps to Improves posture.
* It helps to opens the chest, improves breathing.
* It helps to loosens the spinal cord.
* It helps to relieves low back pain.
8. Eka Pada Akho Mukha Savanasna-
Lift your right leg off the ground behind you. Keep your hips level with each other as you lift the right leg. The buttocks should always be flat on the floor. Continue to release the left heel down. Try to keep the same weight in both arms. Stretch with the right raised heel and the crown of your head. After holding the pose with square buttocks to breathe several times, you can open the right hip, placing it over the left buttocks. This will allow the right leg to reach the top and give you a good stretch of the waist. While opening the hips, try to keep the chest straight and to the left. In the case of open hips, you can bend the right knee and allow the right heel to reach your left hip. After several breaths, straighten your right leg and place your square on the floor. Release your right foot back down. Take a few deep breaths from the dog upside down and repeat the sequence on the left side.
* This posture can improve comprehension and other brain functions.
* It provides good stretching in the spine, quadriceps and leg muscles.
* This baby relieves back and forth pain.
* It helps to loosen the skeletal muscles and hip flexor muscles for more flexibility.
9. Vashisthasana ( Side Plank Pose)-
This pose is a variant of plank pose and slightly difficult, but have more effective to burn belly fat.
Do this asan after the downward facing dog pose, shift your left or right foot and properly move your body to the right or left. Raise the opposing arm in the air, hold this pose for 15-30 seconds, Return to the dog position facing down.
* This posture can improve comprehension and other brain functions.
* It provides good stretching in the spine, quadriceps and leg muscles.
* This baby relieves back and forth pain.
* It helps to loosen the skeletal muscles and hip flexor muscles for more flexibility.
10. Phalakasna (Plank)-
Lie on your stomach. Now lift your body slowly in line using the pressure of your hands. Your body should form a straight line from head to toe. Your wrist should be on the hips and your shoulders should be directly above your wrist. The position will look similar to the promotion position. Hold the position for a few seconds by keeping your bowels involved and relaxing a bit.
* It helps to improves body balance and posture.
* It helps to strengthens your spine (eg spine, shoulder bones, hips and joints
* It helps to improves physical flexibility.
* It helps to reduces belly fat and makes the stomach stronger.
* Lower your back.
* It can improves metabolism.
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